Unchaiyaan NGO

Our Inspirational Founder

About Founder

Unchaiyan owes its existence to the unwavering dedication and indomitable spirit of a truly exceptional individual, SHRADHA KEDIA, She has been a source of inspiration and the driving force behind our organization. SHRADHA KEDIA, who has faced the challenges of physical handicap for 23 years, embarked on this journey alongside her siblings, united by a shared vision of creating a brighter future for physically handicapped individuals. She poured her heart, mind, and soul into building Unchaiyan from the ground up. SHRADHA overcame personal obstacles and empowered others to do the same. She is a shining example of resilience, determination, and the power of a compassionate heart. Her relentless efforts and commitment continue to be the guiding light that leads Unchaiyan on its path of service and support. A Family Legacy Unchaiyan is a testament to the bond of family, as Shradha Kedia, her brothers, and sisters came together to transform their shared dreams into reality. Their united efforts are a testament to the strength of family ties and the difference a close-knit community can make.

Behind Shradha's incredible journey stands the unwavering support & love of her parents, Pramod Kedia & Usha Devi Kedia. Their guidance & belief in her potential have been the cornerstone of her determination, motivating her to strive for greatness & to share that vision with the world.

Our Inspirational

About Arvind Dundoo

Arvind Dundoo played a significant role in shaping the vision and mission of Unchayian alongside Shradha Kedia. Here’s a tribute to honor his memory and his contributions to the organization.

In Loving Memory of Arvind Dundoo

Arvind Dundoo was more than a friend, father figure, and brother figure to Shradha Kedia; he was her guiding angel in the creation of Unchayian. Together, Arvind and Shradha shared a dream of making a positive impact on the lives of physically handicapped individuals, a dream that Arvind helped nurture and inspire. Though Arvind has embarked on his journey to the heavenly abode, his spirit and vision continue to live on through Unchayian. His passion, dedication, and unwavering support were instrumental in laying the foundation for the organization’s mission.As we carry forward the dream that Arvind and Shradha envisioned together, we honor his memory and his legacy of compassion, generosity, and love. Arvind’s presence may no longer be with us in the physical realm, but his spirit remains a guiding light, propelling us forward on our journey to make a difference in the lives of those in need.

Our Mission

At Unchaiyan.com, our mission is to empower individuals with disabilities, particularly those using wheelchairs, in Hyderabad, India. We strive to create a more inclusive & accessible society where everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Our Vision

At Unchaiyan.com, we envision a world where individuals with disabilities are not defined by their limitations but celebrated for their strengths and contributions. We see a future where physical barriers are eliminated and opportunities are boundless for all.

Our Strategy

To turn our mission and vision into reality, Unchaiyan.com employs a strategic approach that combines empathy, innovation, and community engagement. Accessibility. Education and Awareness. Empowerment and Livelihood. Community Building.

Support Our Cause

Your Generous Donation Helps Us Make A Difference.

what we do

Our Impact

Since our inception, Unchaiyan.com has made a significant impact on the lives of individuals with disabilities in Hyderabad and beyond.

  • Advocated for and achieved the construction of accessible ramps and public spaces in several areas of the city.
  • Conducted awareness campaigns that have reached thousands of people.
  • Provided vocational training and job placement assistance to hundreds of individuals with disabilities.
  • Created a vibrant and supportive community for people with disabilities
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Volunteers Till 2024
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People We Helped In 2024
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Funds We Collected

Join Us in Making a Difference

We believe that everyone has a role to play in creating a more inclusive and accessible society. You can support Unchaiyan.com by: Donating, Volunteering, Raising Awareness, Advocating for Change


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