Unchaiyaan NGO

we need your help.

Do You Want To Get Involved?

Individual Volunteers

As an individual volunteer, you can work in our partner schools helping facilitate recess games, sports leagues, youth leadership programs, or special events.

Partner with us

You and your team can make an impact by working directly with kids or engaging in a playground transformation project.

Work with us

Raising a generation of leaders takes a team of the best teachers, counselors, coordinators, and so much more.

Why Volunteer, Unchaiyan?

We firmly believe in the strength of one. Many lives can be changed by one willing heart. We appeal to all good people with a strong desire to transform the world. Join us as we create lives and create space for those who are disadvantaged by illiteracy, abuse, and poverty.

Join the revival by volunteering to guide, educate, or look after disadvantaged youngsters. They are there for you as soon as you make this decision.

We invite you to share in our joy by assisting hundreds of thousands of women in overcoming their shortcomings and illuminating the road to freedom and hope. We believe that the joy of giving is the best type of happiness that anyone has ever experienced.

Let us together build a stronger and safer India, for women and children.

When you meet like-minded professional volunteers from around the world, you have a unique opportunity for cultural exchange. You can learn about different cultures, traditions, and perspectives, which can be enriching both personally and professionally.

Volunteering with professionals from various backgrounds and countries can significantly expand your global network. This can be valuable for future career opportunities, collaborations, and even personal friendships.

By helping communities in need improve their quality of life, you’re contributing to sustainable development. Sustainable projects ensure that positive changes endure and continue to benefit these communities long after your volunteering work is done.

Volunteering often provides opportunities to broaden your skills and gain practical experience in areas you might not have explored before. This can be a powerful way to enhance your skill set, making you more versatile and marketable in your career.

Volunteering can be a profound journey of personal growth. It can build your resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving abilities. It may also lead to a deeper understanding of social issues and a greater sense of empathy.

Involvement in volunteer work defending the rights of children and young people can be a powerful addition to your resume. Employers often value candidates who demonstrate a commitment to social causes and community betterment.

Volunteering can open doors to leadership roles within the organization or project. By taking on leadership responsibilities, you can gain valuable experience in managing teams and projects.

When you work on defending the rights of children and young people, you develop advocacy skills that can be transferable to other areas. These skills include public speaking, lobbying, and raising awareness on important issues.

Being part of a cause that champions the rights of children and young people can provide a deep sense of fulfillment and purpose. Knowing that you are making a positive impact on the lives of the most vulnerable members of society can be incredibly rewarding.

Your involvement in such meaningful work can inspire others, including your friends, family, and colleagues, to get involved in volunteering or charitable activities. This ripple effect can lead to greater social change.

Many organizations offer training and professional development opportunities for their volunteers. This can include workshops, seminars, and certifications that enhance your knowledge and expertise.

Volunteering can be a stepping stone to a career transition. If you’re considering a shift into the nonprofit sector, social work, or advocacy, your experience in defending the rights of children and young people can be a valuable entry point.

Contributing to a meaningful cause and witnessing positive changes in the lives of those you’re helping can provide a deep sense of personal satisfaction and happiness.

We Need Your Support, Join Us!

Please use one of the forms linked below. You’ll typically receive a response within six business days.