Unchaiyaan NGO

Where We Work:

Empowering Abilities: Uplifting Lives at Unchaiyan

At Unchaiyan, our work isn’t confined to the walls of our Hyderabad headquarters. It extends across the vast tapestry of India, reaching out to those who need it most – individuals with disabilities, particularly wheelchair users. We believe that every person, regardless of their abilities, deserves the chance to thrive and contribute to society. This belief fuels our mission as we journey across the country, empowering individuals and communities, one wheelchair at a time.

Hyderabad: Our Roots, Our Wings

Our journey began in Hyderabad, the city that serves as our headquarters and a melting pot of diverse cultures. Here, we have witnessed firsthand the challenges faced by people with disabilities, especially those using wheelchairs. Inadequate infrastructure, lack of accessibility, and societal barriers often create roadblocks to their independence and inclusion.

That’s where Unchaiyan steps in. We work tirelessly to bridge these gaps, creating a Hyderabad that is truly accessible and inclusive for all. We partner with local organizations, government bodies, and individuals to:

We push for the implementation of ramps, accessible toilets, and designated parking spaces in public buildings, transportation systems, and educational institutions.

We raise awareness about disability rights and the importance of inclusion through workshops, community events, and social media campaigns.

We provide skill development training, employment opportunities, and assistive devices to empower people with disabilities to live independent and fulfilling lives.

The impact of our work:

Our work transcends the physical act of providing wheelchairs. We witness stories of transformation – individuals regaining mobility, securing employment, and actively participating in their communities. We see families empowered, communities becoming more inclusive, and a society gradually shifting its perspective on disability.

United by a Common Goal: Empowering Individuals, Transforming Lives

Our story unfolds in the vibrant city of Hyderabad, a melting pot of cultures and a microcosm of the challenges faced by people with disabilities across India. Here, we witness firsthand the physical and societal barriers that hinder their mobility, independence, and access to opportunities. It’s in this city that we roll up our sleeves, tackling these challenges head-on through
Our reach encompasses diverse landscapes, from the vibrant streets of Mumbai to the serene villages nestled in the Himalayas. We work closely with local communities, understanding their unique needs and challenges. This allows us to tailor our interventions, ensuring they are culturally relevant and impactful.
While wheelchairs are a vital tool for mobility and independence, our support goes beyond. We provide comprehensive rehabilitation services, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and vocational training. This holistic approach empowers individuals to not only move freely but also lead fulfilling lives.
We actively work towards creating an inclusive society where individuals with disabilities are seen not as recipients of charity, but as equal members with valuable contributions to make. We partner with schools, workplaces, and government bodies to raise awareness, challenge discriminatory attitudes, and advocate for accessible infrastructure.

map highlights.

We are Locally Rooted & Nationally Connected

19,563+ people, Across India.

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North - South, East - West

We partner with local organizations in various states, from the bustling metros of Delhi and Mumbai to the rural communities of Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu. This allows us to share best practices, resources, and knowledge, ensuring a pan-India impact.

Tailored Interventions

We understand that a “one-size-fits-all” approach doesn’t work. We collaborate with local partners to design interventions that cater to the specific needs and contexts of each region. This ensures that our programs are culturally relevant and impactful.

Advocacy On A National Scale

We work alongside other disability rights organizations to advocate for policy changes and raise awareness on a national level. We lobby for the implementation of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act and push for inclusive development across all sectors.


Join Our Community

We believe that everyone has a role to play in creating a more inclusive world. Whether you volunteer your time, donate to support our work, or simply choose to see individuals with disabilities with empathy and respect, you become part of the change. Together, we can rewrite the narrative of disability in India, one wheelchair, one community, one empowered life at a time.