Unchaiyaan NGO

Wheelchair-Friendly Initiatives India

About Us & Who We Are

Welcome to Unchaiyan

At UNCHAAYIAAN, our mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of physically handicapped individuals. We believe in the power of compassion and community to create a world where everyone can thrive, regardless of physical challenges.

Our Commitment: We are dedicated to providing support, resources, and opportunities for those who need them the most. Our journey is just beginning, but our resolve to help those facing physical handicaps is unwavering. We strive to be a beacon of hope and a catalyst for change.

Get Involved: You can be a part of our mission! Whether you want to volunteer your time, make a donation, or simply learn more about our cause, there are many ways to get involved. Together, we can make a difference and create a more inclusive and compassionate world.

Join Us: Join us on our mission to empower physically handicapped individuals and create a brighter future. Together, we can achieve remarkable things. Explore our website to learn more about our work, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like to support our cause. Thank you for visiting Unchaayian, where we believe that together we can overcome any obstacle.

Examine the facts.


Vital services provided to


Staff and volunteers
working across 16 countries


Invested in all our programs
last year


People helped across

What Makes Us Different?

Wheelchair-Centric Approach

We recognize the unique challenges faced by wheelchair users and tailor our programs to address them directly. This ensures our efforts have a targeted and meaningful impact on their lives.

Collaborative Spirit

We don’t operate in silos. We forge strong partnerships with government agencies, businesses, and other NGOs to leverage collective expertise and resources, maximizing our reach and impact.

Community-Driven Solutions

We believe the community knows best. We actively involve people with disabilities in every step of our process, from program design to implementation, ensuring our solutions are truly effective and sustainable.

Beyond Accessibility

We go beyond just ramps and elevators. We focus on holistic empowerment, providing vocational training, job placement assistance, and microfinance opportunities to help individuals achieve their full potential.

Hyperlocal Focus

Unlike many NGOs, we don’t spread ourselves thin. Our laser focus on Hyderabad allows us to develop deep community connections, understand specific needs, and advocate for impactful change at the local level.

Passionate Team

Our team is driven by a deep commitment to disability rights and inclusion. Many members have personal connections to the cause, bringing firsthand understanding and empathy to our work, ensuring authenticity and genuine impact.

what we do

Meet Our Team

Success Stories

give money.

Will you change a Handicapped
life today?

Invest in people. Invest in your neighborhood.
Invest in a stronger Community.

give time.

Share your time, share your love for community

We love hearing from you, and there are lots of ways you can get in touch.